- Raspberry Pi with Docker Image (Actual Raspbian with custom Docker-Linux-Kernel)
Installation / Start:
- docker pull andreasprang/java_arm
- sudo docker run -it andreasprang/java_arm
Unix & Coding
Für details: Dockerfile und Script bei gitHub für AMD64/x86
Continue reading “HostEurope dynDNS mit Raspberry Pi – Docker”
// remove the cursor
sudo apt-get install unclutter
// install Google Chrome on Raspberry Pi
sudo apt-get install chromium
// Open Chromium in Fullscreen mode after booting the Raspberry Pi
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
It should look like this:
@lxpanel –profile LXDE
@pcmanfm –desktop –profile LXDE
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xset s off
@xset s noblank
@xset -dpms
@chromium –kiosk
// Disable Screen to become black
nano /etc/kbd/config
Because of the missing verbose mode in GNU dd there is an other application with verbose mode by default. It’s dcfldd.
dcfldd is an enhanced version of GNU dd written by Nicholas Harbour
I especially used it for duplicating Raspberry Pi SD Cards. Without dcfldd you don’t know what time it will take to create the backup or SD Card.
Running Example:
Mac:Downloads andreas$ sudo dcfldd if=RaspberryPi.img of=/dev/disk1 bs=512 1798144 blocks (878Mb) written.
How to install dcfldd:
For selecting the audio output I wrote a little script.
#!/bin/bash if test $1 #check if parameter 1 / 0=auto, 1=analog, 2=hdmi is set then echo "Try to select sound Interface:" $1 sudo amixer cset numid=3 $1 else echo " select interface :" echo "0=auto" echo "1=analog" echo "2=hdmi" read -p "Which interface should be used? " interfaceID echo "Try to select sound Interface:" $interfaceID sudo amixer cset numid=3 interfaceID fi